Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Growing Disparity Between the Global North and South
The growing disparity 1 Running Head: THE GROWING DIPARITY BETWEEN GLOBAL NORTH AND SOUTH The Growing Disparity Between Global North and South is a Direct Consequence of Trade Malpractice. Anum Mahmood Lahore University of Management Sciences The growing disparity 2 INTRODUCTION: North-South system describes relations among the market economies of the western world (mainly located in the northern hemisphere), and the third world economies of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. As has already been noted, the terms North and South are used to designate the two major economic spheres in the world economy: a wealthy North made up of Economically Developed Countries, (EDCs), and a less wealthy South composed of Less Developed Countries†¦show more content†¦Brazil and Denmark are best examples for this. Brazil, despite having plentitude of mineral resources, diverse topography, mineral wealth, climates and soils remains underdeveloped. Whereas, Denmark, although lacks minerals and energy resources and is small in size has developed its economy to an extent that it is one of the richest countries of Europe. Great area, diversity of relief and availability of mineral resources merely gives potentiality. Perhaps, the most important factors are the human ones; the willingness to work hard and explore and the technological know how are the factors by which these natural resources become active elements in economies. (Mountjoy, 2007) Similarly, Rostow and Harrod-Dommar models implicitly assumed the existence of structural, institutional and attitudinal conditions (e.g. well-integrated commodity and market money, developed transport facilities, a well trained and educated workforce, the motivation to succeed and an efficient bureaucracy) in the underdeveloped or developing countries. In many cases they are lacking, as are complementary factors such as managerial competence, skilled labor, and the ability to plan and administer a wide range of development projects. The structural change analysts are somewhat optimistic that the ‘correct’ mix of economic policies will generate patterns of growth amongst the countries of the South. On the other hand, the analysts of the International constraints are somewhat pessimisti c. TheShow MoreRelatedGlobal North And The Global South1959 Words  | 8 Pagesdifferences between the global north and the global south, the most notable one of these is the disparity in level of wealth between the two. (Oluwafemi, 2012, p.47) The global north, typically has access to food, shelter and education, while many in the global south fail to access these basic needs. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
The Discussion For My Assigned Reading Went Better Than I...
The discussion for my assigned reading went better than I expected. This book was a bit of a challenge to read because e of the way that its written. Even though this reading isn’t one of my favorites, it was a challenge for me, therefor it made me want to understand it more. I think that the discussion went well, many students shared their opinion, and for the most part, the subjects of the discussion intermingled. It was good to hear that many students shared some of the same thoughts. I think that this made the discussion interesting because they felt comfortable sharing their opinion and thoughts about the book. I really enjoyed leading discussion because I was forced to share my opinion and listen carefully to others in order to agree or disagree with what they said. Kevin and I met twice to talk about what we wanted to do for our presentation. We divided up the reading between us so that we could focus more in depth with the reading. I took ever the first half of the boo k and Kevin took over the second half. I would of like for Kevin to have spoken out more and be more active in the discussion because when we met, he had some really good points that would have added to the discussion. Overall, the discussion went really well, I actually wanted to continue discussing but we ran out of time. Analysis The fact that the book starts with what I consider the climax of the story, makes the reader want to read more in order to understand what caused the main character toShow MoreRelatedMy Reflections on My 1st Semester in High School Essay904 Words  | 4 Pagesthings coming my way and I must find a method to try to get everything well and done. Being a student can be rough for me and as I reflect back to first semester I do realize that I got to keep my head up and improve all my weakness and retouch my strengths to make them stronger. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Four Challenges of Sustainability Free Essays
â€Å"Four Challenges of Sustainability†by David W. Orr confronts the problems of sustainability and proposes a path to get there. The concept of sustainability is the primary topic and goal in regards to the future of humans. We will write a custom essay sample on Four Challenges of Sustainability or any similar topic only for you Order Now The entire idea that humans and civilization as we know it may cease to exist, is a relatively new idea. This very real idea has spawned acknowledgement and pursuit of avoiding it through sustainability. Militarization, the increasing number of incredibly poor, and the increasing amount of frivolous consumption are some of the many current practices that simply cannot be sustained. Major industrial industries like agriculture, energy production, and health care have begun to exhibit diminishing returns. The move to sustainability requires major changes and improvements in government, specifically democratic governments and the relationship between them and their citizens. Fair distribution of wealth, cradle to cradle material policy, and building ecologically sound cities are only possible through ethical governments that have their citizen’s best interests at heart. Orr more succinctly puts this as, â€Å"Sustainability, in short, constitutes a series of public choices that require effective institutions of governance and a well-informed democratically engaged citizenry. †Education and curriculums must be improved to include ideas that are essential to sustainability. These ideas should promote more windmills, more farmers’ markets, and more small businesses. Orr feels that the public must be educated about sustainability and then taught how to implement it. It is then their responsibility to pass this knowledge on to future generations. The transition to sustainability requires more than education and critical problem solving skills. In the quest for sustainability, Orr says we need â€Å"a higher level of spiritual awareness†and references Schumacher in saying that we require, â€Å"wisdom, love, compassion, understanding, and empathy. †These spiritual tools will enable us to stop the self destructive behaviors that we continually perpetuate. If not for any other reason than preserving humanity we must stop killing the planet. How to cite Four Challenges of Sustainability, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Marketing Mix Oof Xyz Hotel Samples for Students †MyAssignmenthelp.co
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Mix Oof Xyz Hotel. Answer: Introduction Marketing Mix plays an important role in determining the various tools that a company can use to convey its brand to the consumers (Jobber Ellis-Chadwick, 2012). This report is based on the marketing mix of Xyz hotels. Xyz hotel is a premium hotel located in various counties in the world. Marketing concepts such as Positioning, Pricing, IMC and the communication strategy have been elaborated upon. Discussion Positioning Strategy of the Hotel Positioning can be defined as the perception of the particular brand in the minds of the consumer. Positioning also helps the customers to distinguish between the various other products available from their competitors. In order to position a particular brand in the market the company tries to emphasize on the unique features of their brand and form a suitable image whether luxurious, premium or high end).This positioning is done with the help of a market mix. The marketing manager should make sure that the company has a good positioning in the market. Once the brand has established and achieved a strong position then it is difficult to change the image. There are various kinds of positioning strategy as discussed above ranging from Product characteristics, price quality approach, and cultural symbol approach to competitor approach and product class approach (Czinkota Ronkainen, 2013). The chosen strategy for the hotel Xyz has been high quality high price strategy. High-Price-High Quality Strategy Some companies price their products or services higher than their competition to create a perceived value. This strategy works well with the elite group of consumers who tend to get attracted to the premium services offered. They are concerned with the quality of services being provided even if they have to pay a higher price. The high price and high quality helps to have an impact on the positioning of the hotels as a high-end brand and premium hotel. The hotel is using the pricing as an effective took to position their hotel differently from other group of hotels present in the market and leave its mark. Pricing strategy A pricing strategy can be defined as a method whereby a company chooses the appropriate pricing system to sell its products (Hollensen, 2015). There can be various motives behind setting up a particular price. The price can be set in order to maximize profitability or to gain the market. The firm`s decision about the pricing helps the consumers to determine whether they want to attend a hotel or not. There is a certain group of consumers who are extremely selective regarding the hotels they visit. The high-end hotels generally tend to follow a Premium pricing technique where the price of services is generally kept high and thus creating favorable perceptions among the buyers based on the price. This often tends to create the impression that with better price comes better quality. However, the hotel XYZ uses a competitive pricing strategy to set its rates based on how much the competitors are charging. This method is generally applied in cases where the hotels engage in similar services since services can differ from hotel to hotel, while the attributes remain the same (Huang Sarigll, 2014). This concept is used by the Xyz hotel because it is not the only one operating in the hotel industry. Hence, it is an important technique to determine the strategies of the other hotels as well. Their rates and amenities, refund policies and other relevant terms should be determined and considered when pricing for self. Calculation: For calculating, the prices based on competitor pricing strategy a hotel needs have a detailed insights and data At first the services offered by the own company and the competitors need to be compared. The comparison should be kept relevant. Their charges as per the room size should be examined. The fact whether they charge for telephones and wifi, should be analyzed. If yes, then how much does, they charge. Their adjustment techniques for various lengths of stay should be understood. Their booking charges as per own versus third party should also be examined (Al-Debi Mustafa, 2014). Advertising expenditure Development of IMC program Integrated Marketing Communications refers to the use of different kinds of marketing tools, which help a firm in accomplishing their desired objectives in a manner that all the tools convey the same message. Tools, which are used by the hotels, are advertisements on tourist websites, internet promotions, public relations magazine flyers and others. Monitoring and analyzing the IMC program It is extremely important to analyze the efficiency of the marketing strategy because marketing strategies involve huge costs and these costs will all go into waste if they are not effective. An alternate strategy should be considered in cases where the present strategy cannot be applied. To measure the efficiencies of the advertisements the hotel can consider the given methods: Consumer surveys- Online and offline surveys should be conducted every two months to measure the percentage increase in the consumer awareness level and visit level (Armstrong et al., 2015). Recall test- The customers can also be asked whether they recall seeing a particular advertisement related to the hotel. Online communication techniques should be monitored by analyzing the volume of visitors on the company website and the number of likes and shares a post receives. The increase in the number of visitors after the magazine flyers are given out should also be measured. Implementation of communication strategies Advertisements take place both online and offline. Generally, two appeals are followed by the hotels to attract customers. These appeals are the rational and the emotional appeal. The rational appeal just tends to emphasize on the on the known data. On the other hand, emotional appeal uses the power of different emotions like joy, nostalgia and pleasure. For Xyz hotel, the emotional appeal should be applied. People should feel connected to the hotel on a higher level (Mintz Currim, 2013). Family could visit the hotel, relax, and pamper themselves. For the promotional campaign, a renowned personality like a well-known actor could be asked to participate. Important elements of a promotional campaign need to be considered before letting it out to the customers: Medium: For Xyz hotel, internet television and magazine should be used for advertising. Media vehicle: For Xyz, advertisements can be given in monthly luxurious magazines like Cosmopolitan, Vogue and Travel magazines. Reach and Frequency: The advertisement of this hotel should be given once a month on magazines and thrice a week on television (Mullins, Walker Boyd Jr, 2012) Social networking sites like Face book and Twitter could be used to promote the hotel. Conclusion Therefore, from the discussion it can be said that marketing plays a key role in determining the value of a hotel and plays a significant role in attracting customers for the hotel. References Al-Debi, H., Mustafa, A. (2014). The Impact Of Services Marketing Mix 7P's In Competitive Advantage To Five Stars Hotel-Case Study Amman, Jordan. InThe Clute Institute International Academic Conference Orlando, Florida, USA(pp. 39-48). Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2015).Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Czinkota, M. R., Ronkainen, I. A. (2013).International marketing. Cengage Learning. Hollensen, S. (2015).Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Huang, R., Sarigll, E. (2014). How brand awareness relates to market outcome, brand equity, and the marketing mix. Leonidou, L. C., Leonidou, C. N., Fotiadis, T. A., Zeriti, A. (2013). Resources and capabilities as drivers of hotel environmental marketing strategy: Implications for competitive advantage and performance.Tourism Management,35, 94-110.. Jobber, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2012).Principles and practice of marketing(No. 7th). McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Mintz, O., Currim, I. S. (2013). What drives managerial use of marketing and financial metrics and does metric use affect performance of marketing-mix activities?.Journal of Marketing,77(2), 17-40. Mullins, J., Walker, O. C., Boyd Jr, H. W. (2012).Marketing management: A strategic decision-making approach. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
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