Monday, August 24, 2020
The Ramist Logic of Edward Taylors Upon a Spider Catching a Fly Essay
The Ramist Logic of Edward Taylor's Upon a Spider Catching a Fly Like other Puritanical essayists of his age, Edward Taylor looked to nature and used it for instance of a conviction framework that he had just esteemed accurate. The utilization Ramist rationale here may appear to be silly to many. The very embodiment of rationale orders that we should initially look toward nature and afterward reach determinations from it. In his work, Upon a Spider Catching a Fly, Taylor applies his principle ahead of time by utilizing the communication between a 8-legged creature and a specific differentiating bug for instance of the Calvinist hypothesis of destiny; the conviction that one's destiny can't be impacted by one's works or natural deeds. It is likewise part of his conviction framework, nonetheless, that an individual's success on the natural plain could be a confirmation that that individual is as of now an individual from 'the choose'. Taylor deciphers a characteristic circumstance with an individual hermeneutics with which he specifically peruses ci rcumstances that serve to implement his convictions. After presenting the focal character of the creepy crawly in the primary refrain, Taylor promptly questions the main impetus that makes the bug carry on in the manner it does. To turn a web out of thyself/To get a Fly?/For Why? Such a start quickly petitions the peruser to scrutinize the idea of things. In the principal line, Taylor alludes to the bug as the venomous mythical being so as to plant the possibility that the insect is a malicious substance. The creepy crawly then gets delegate of the Christian fallen angel, Satan, who intuitively throws his web in the midst of any of the sad creatures who might go into his circle. This fiend picture is additionally authorized in the seventh verse when he alludes to the predator as Damnation's creepy crawly. The creepy crawly ca... ...bility to do as such, while the fly has been made vulnerable; with no alternative however to succumb to the arachnid. These two creepy crawlies fill in as an illustration for the two varying ranks of people inside the Calvinist way of thinking. The wasp is illustrative of 'the choose'; the individuals who are foreordained to go into the realm of paradise while the fly is illustrative of the individuals who are destined for condemnation from the purpose of their manifestation. Inside the life of the wasp, it is obvious that it outperforms the fly, similarly as the Calvinists accepted that 'the choose' were more effective in life than different people. This thought of destiny didn't originate from the perception of the hardships between two creepy crawlies and a 8-legged creature. It was the polar opposite. The circumstance was sited simply after it satisfied the necessities to filling in for instance of Taylor's conviction framework.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Gays A Struggle For Acceptance Essay Research free essay sample
Gay people: A Struggle For Acceptance Essay, Research Paper Gay people: A Struggle for Acceptance # 8220 ; When the residue settees and the pages of history are composed, it will non be the irate watchmen of bigotry who have had the effect, that wages will travel to the individuals who set out to step outside the wellbeing of their privateness so as to uncover and oust the predominant partiality. # 8221 ; John Shelby Spong Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Newark, NJ November 21, 1996 During World War II and especially the 20 mature ages after brought incredible political and cultural changes to the U.S.. Without a doubt, one of the significant modifications was the new awareness of homosexualism. On the off chance that this new cognizance was to the advantage or in the event that it was really needed by the gay and sapphic populace is a request that emerges ; in the event that they really had a pick in the illicit relationship is another. I think gay people # 8217 ; constant fight for belief into standard society originated from the American essential law itself. All things considered, the gay discharge movement began in America, the place that is known for the free, where all work powers are made equivalent and with an unalienable option to indict their ain felicity. No 1 ought to have the option to take these rights off from anybody. Moreover, during the 1950s, the social liberties movement got dynamic and words like mix and equivalent rights for all became equal with the American way of life. Stand up and fight against the individuals who hold done you off base! This is the thing that gave homophiles such a solid conviction to get down fighting for their ain reason. This paper will follow the headway of gay and tribades in the twentieth century prior, during and after World War II. What was their place in the military during the war and what was specialists what's more, military arrangement during and after the war on gay people in the ground powers and in specialists places? How did gay and lesbians react to the new arrangements after the war and for what reason were associations like the Mattachine Society and the Daughters of Bilitis established? On December 7, 1941 at 7:55 bet meridiem neighborhood cut, Japan assaulted Pearl Harbor. The Unites States pronounced war on Japan and was out of nowhere a member in the biggest war throughout the entire existence of world. A solid military power of 12 million work powers was amassed. American troopers were sent to Europe and Japan to participate and win the Big One. The military bureaucratism developed thus and 1000s of new occupations were made. With the military # 8217 ; s huge interest for powers, drafted American work powers ended up in stray sex unintegrated situations. All the huge war films delineate this with the GI # 8217 ; s craving for leave so he could travel downtown and happen himself a cocotte. What these movies do non demo is another network, inside the military, of homophiles who as of not long ago lived socially stray lives since they were either uncertain of what they were or of their sexual propensities or only clearly alarmed of what individuals would accept on the off chance that they discovered their mystery. In the military, these individuals discovered other lively work powers who were in a similar bind. They weren # 8217 ; t altogether. Prior to the war, gay people and tribades were about unseeable from society. They were non referenced in the well known media and everybody was unaware to their being. A periodic misgiving or school launch of an Asexual sociopath @ were the solitary unclear imprints that the masses would catch wind of. Presently that the military acknowledged or possibly required the participation of all work powers, including homophiles, an of import page had been turned in the headway of gay rights, by and by, it other than put things in place for partiality and inclination. Gay people were in all developments of the military, from paper constraining to look line battle. Prior to enrolling, inquisitors had constrained them to portray their way of life, which in twist made it inconceivable for homophiles to continue covering in the organizer yet on the other hand needed to take the principal measure in populating another loosened way of life. They were delegated Asexual sociopaths @ on their military records, by and by, they were non being separated by the military at this point in cut. An arrangement was even set up to suit sprightly powers. Through this arrangement, the military wound up with a significant broadened record of gay conduct and was viewed as a specialist on the subject. Military researchers much accordingly said that through examining homophiles # 8217 ; conduct could happen nil to back up grounds that gay and tribades were in any way sociopaths or had any signifier of mental surprise. This investigation came out after the 1940s and 1950s ; until in this way, the military denied holding made any examination on homophiles. After World War II, the military out of nowhere made an assurance non to hold gay or tribades in the military any more. They would be released with no benefitsa despite the fact that they hadn # 8217 ; t done anything erroneous. This caused gay veterans to bind together and fight against sexual preference and some were therefore the laminitiss of sorted out gay rights movements. Uncovered by the war, gay people furthermore, tribades chose to continue populating their lives in the loosened, albeit numerous still favored populating delicately in unmistakable rural areas, coming out simply under anonym in articles or books. Equal barss for gay people and tribades turned into a significant earning topographic point. Here they could blend and act naturally. These bars became expansive spread and were non simply restricted to the major U.S. metropoliss however were set up in numerous little towns as great. The general masses and media began distinguishing this developing and with the regular knowing about homophiles being distorted sexual sociopaths, kid molesters, sex transgressors and sex debases, a dismay spread for the wellbeing of grown-up females and children who could be grabbed by these risky individuals. This dismay started the counter gay arrangements and sex sociopath Torahs of the late fortiess and mid 1950s, where gay and tribades were witch pursued what's more, terminated from their work topographic point. The approach that had the best effect was President Eisenhower # 8217 ; s communication through signing of Executive Order # 10450, saying that sexual depravity was ground for predisposition employing and fire of laborers Gay veterans were a decision gathering of American patriots, who, for the most segment needed things to head out back to how they were and simply lead secure and stable lives. These new strategies caused a lot of disturbance and the veterans felt they were constantly being abused, which gave them even more ground to talk up. They could hold kept on populating calm lives yet they were driven into the detached by the specialists, and since they were uncovered, they weren # 8217 ; t making a trip to go back in the organizer without a fight. The new thorough virtues of the after war time frame and the nuclear family did non help gay people and tribades mix into society. Then again, homophiles were being scapegoated and considered sex debases. The idea of sick people and wave manufacturers went great along with the bronzed frenzy and homophiles were dreaded significantly more than before. Socialist homophiles would plan the ruin of western culture as we probably am aware it # 8230 ; .at any rate that is the thing that the specialists needed us to accept. The hypothesis of homophiles being sex distorts was other than bolstered by head-shrinkers who needed more impact over the condemnable justness framework and took into consideration the bondage of homophiles into mental foundation. This caused worries for buggery, depravity and obscenity to soar and many work powers what's more, grown-up females wound up in these foundations. The military # 8217 ; s turnaround and after war intercession of homophiles and the homophobia and nonsensical alarm of gay people that they caused, made its way to the non military personnel bureaucratism. During the 1950s, congresspersons propelled an attack on gay workers. Congressperson Joseph McCarthy drove the battle against homophiles and Communists and was dreaded by pretty much all American ; he had the ability to ignore you from your topographic purpose of work and set you in a foundation. Gay people were even viewed as simpler imprints for socialist purposeful publicity what's more, were other than the main ground for the purgings in the specialists segment. People groups were apprehensive gay people would introduce U.S. privileged insights to the Russians. Despite the fact that gay people what's more, tribades were dogged everyplace, they didn # 8217 ; t guard themselves from the surges. Gay people had no 1 to talk up for them at that cut and were uncertain of what to make. On the other hand they disconnected themselves and suppressed the choler furthermore, trepidation they felt for society. Gay veterans were no prohibition, by and by, they didn # 8217 ; t acknowledge the fortunes and conditions that had been set before them. They comprehended it was unthinkable for them to populate the way they used to ; in request for them to take a detached life, the nagging needed to stop. They had battled a war to proceed with their self-sufficiency and no 1 ought to have the option to take that off from them now. The principal association for gay people was established in Germany. The Scientific Human-focused Committee needed to dispose of the German enemy of gay correctional codification and to teach the people on being gay. The movement was brief and was broken down when the Nazi government came to control. There was other than an endeavor for gay framing in Chicago during the 1920s yet they dis
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Daniel Patrick moi ´nihan? [key], 1927â€"2003, American sociologist and politician, b. Tulsa, Okla., grad. Tufts (B.A., 1948; M.A., 1949; Ph.D., 1961). Raised in a poor neighborhood of New York City, he became active in Democratic party politics in the 1950s. With Nathan Glazer he wrote Beyond the Melting Pot (1963), an influential study of American ethnicity. Under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, he worked in the Dept. of Labor (1961â€"65), where he rose to the post of assistant secretary. In 1965 his office issued The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, commonly known as the Moynihan Report. Its conclusion that African-American urban poverty could be traced in part to a breakdown of family structure was at the time much criticized by civil-rights activists but is now generally regarded as an unusually prescient analysis. After teaching for several years at Harvard, Moynihan returned to government as a special adviser to President Nixon. He later served as am bassador to India (1973â€"75) and to the United Nations (1975â€"76). He was first elected to the U.S. Senate from New York as a Democrat in 1976 and was reelected three times. Although Moynihan's policy declarations in the 1960s and early 70s were among the most significant formulations of what was called neoliberalism or neoconservatism, in the Senate he was a consistent critic of the Reagan and Bush administrations, which enjoyed the support of many neoconservatives, and a strong supporter of Democratic presidents Carter and Clinton. He chaired the Senate finance committee from 1993 to 1995. He also had a lifelong interest in architecture and did much to retain, restore, and build important structures in New York City and Washington. Moynihan retired from the Senate in 2001; subsequently, he served on the faculty of the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse Univ. His many books include Family and Nation (1986), Came the Revolution (1988), On the Law o f Nations (1990), and Secrecy (1998). See S. R. Weisman, ed., Daniel Patrick Moynihan: A Portrait in Letters of an American Visionary (2010); biographies by D. Schoen (1979) and G. Hodgson (2000). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Biography of Nobel Prize Winner Chief Albert Luthuli
Date of birth: c.1898, near Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe)Date of death: 21 July 1967, railway track near home at Stanger, Natal, South Africa. Early Life Albert John Mvumbi Luthuli was born sometime around 1898 near Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, the son of a Seventh Day Adventist missionary. In 1908 he was sent to his ancestral home at Groutville, Natal where he went to the mission school. Having first trained as a teacher at Edendale, near Pietermaritzburg, Luthuli attended additional courses at Adams College (in 1920), and went on to become part of the college staff. He remained at the college until 1935. Life as a Preacher Albert Luthuli was deeply religious, and during his time at Adams College, he became a lay preacher. His Christian beliefs acted as a foundation for his approach to political life in South Africa at a time when many of his contemporaries were calling for a more militant response to Apartheid. Chieftancy In 1935 Luthuli accepted the chieftaincy of the Groutville reserve (this was not a hereditary position, but awarded as the result of an election) and was suddenly immersed in the realities of South Africas racial politics. The following year JBM Hertzogs United Party government introduced the Representation of Natives Act (Act No 16 of 1936) which removed Black Africans from the common voters role in the Cape (the only part of the Union to allow Black people the franchise). That year also saw the introduction of the Development Trust and Land Act (Act No 18 of 1936) which limited Black African land holding to an area of native reserves  increased under the act to 13.6%, although this percentage was not in fact achieved in practice. Chief Albert Luthuli joined the African National Congress (ANC) in 1945 and was elected Natal provincial president in 1951. In 1946 he joined the Natives Representative Council. (This had been set up in 1936 to act in an advisory basis to four white senators who provided parliamentary representation for the entire Black African population.) However, as a result of a mine workers strike on the Witwatersrand gold field and the police response to protesters, relations between the Natives Representative Council and the government became strained. The Council met for the last time in 1946 and was later abolished by the government. In 1952, Chief Luthuli was one of the leading lights behind the Defiance Campaign  a non-violent protest against the pass laws. The Apartheid government was, unsurprisingly, annoyed and he was summoned to Pretoria to answer for his actions. Luthuli was given the choice of renouncing his membership of the ANC or being removed from his position as tribal chief (the post was supported and paid for by the government). Albert Luthuli refused to resign from the ANC, issued a statement to the press (The Road to Freedom is via the Cross) which reaffirmed his support for passive resistance to Apartheid and was subsequently dismissed from his chieftaincy in November. I have joined my people in the new spirit that moves them today, the spirit that revolts openly and broadly against injustice. At the end of 1952, Albert Luthuli was elected president-general of the ANC. The previous president, Dr. James Moroka, lost support when he pleaded not-guilty to criminal charges laid as a result of his involvement in the Defiance Campaign, rather than accepting the campaigns aim of imprisonment and the tying up of government resources. (Nelson Mandela, provincial president for the ANC in Transvaal, automatically became deputy-president of the ANC.) The government responded by banning Luthuli, Mandela, and nearly 100 others. Luthulis Ban Luthulis ban was renewed in 1954, and in 1956 he was arrested  one of 156 people accused of high treason. Luthuli was released shortly after for lack of evidence. Repeated banning caused difficulties for the leadership of the ANC, but Luthuli was re-elected as president-general in 1955 and again 1958. In 1960, following the Sharpeville Massacre, Luthuli led the call for protest. Once again summoned to a governmental hearing (this time in Johannesburg) Luthuli was horrified when a supporting demonstration turned violent and 72 Black Africans were shot (and another 200 injured). Luthuli responded by publicly burning his pass book. He was detained on 30 March under the State of Emergency declared by the South African government  one of 18,000 arrested in a series of police raids. On release he was confined to his home in Stanger, Natal. Later Years In 1961 Chief Albert Luthuli was awarded the 1960 Nobel Prize for Peace (it had been held over that year) for his part in the anti-Apartheid struggle. In 1962, he was elected Rector of Glasgow University (an honorary position), and the following year published his autobiography, Let My People Go. Although suffering from ill health and failing eyesight, and still restricted to his home in Stanger, Albert Luthuli remained president-general of the ANC. On 21 July 1967, whilst out walking near his home, Luthuli was hit by a train and died. He was supposedly crossing the line at the time â€â€Ã‚ an explanation dismissed by many of his followers who believed more sinister forces were at work.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Lincoln the Great Emancipator - 2289 Words
Until it was abolished in 1865, slavery thrived in the United States since the nation’s beginnings in the colony of Jamestown in 1607. In 1776, the founding fathers stated that â€Å"all men are created equal†when they declared independence and started a war that freed the 13 colonies from the oppressive rule of Great Britain. However, after â€Å"the land of the free†had been established, slavery had yet to be eliminated. After the war of 1812, sectionalism began to grow prevalent in America. The Industrial Revolution in the early to mid-1800s advanced the country technologically while further dividing it as the North became industrialized and the South became more agrarian and reliant on slave labor. Sectionalism was increased by westward†¦show more content†¦This became important later in the war when other nations refused to recognize the Confederacy’s independence. When the time was right, Abraham Lincoln masterfully changed the ideology of the war to focus on slavery, and he used the slaves themselves as a powerful force in the war and on the home front. Lincoln did this through the First and Second Confiscation Acts, the Emancipation Proclamation, and his Second Inaugural Address. Early in the war, three slaves escaped to the Union Army, raising the question of what to do with fugitive slaves. Under the Fugitive Slave Act, they had to be returned to their owners in the Confederacy. However, Lincoln adopted an ingenious policy of taking slaves as â€Å"contraband of war,†treating them as property as the Confederacy did. Lincoln went on to sign the First Confiscation Act in August 1861, which emancipated slaves that escaped to Union lines. In July 1862, Lincoln signed the Second Confiscation Act, which essentially gave him the authority to emancipate the slaves in Confederate territory (on the grounds that they helped the war effort and were contraband). This legislation helped the Union Army greatly. Over 190 ,000 soldiers, sailors, and workers came to the Union Army from the Confederacy (McPherson, 193), and at the end of the war, African Americans made up 20 percent ofShow MoreRelatedThe Great Emancipator : Abraham Lincoln894 Words  | 4 PagesThe Great Emancipator Abraham Lincoln became the president of the United States of America in March of 1861. While he led the country through one of the worst wars in the history of America, he is most known for abolishing slavery through the Emancipation Proclamation, thus giving him the nickname of â€Å"The Great Emancipator.†There are a great amount of debates on whether Lincoln was worthy of this title, one reason being that the Emancipation Declaration was limited and did not abolish slavery,Read MoreAbraham Lincoln And The Great Emancipator2143 Words  | 9 Pages Abraham Lincoln, â€Å" The Great Emancipator,†was the president of the United States from March 1861 to April 1865- when he was assassinated. Lincoln is known world-wide for the Emancipation Proclamation, which accomplished the freeing of the slaves, or so the they taught at the school. What schools don’t teach is that the Emancipation Proclamation had many restraints within it. Slaves were only to be freed in â€Å"rebellious states†: Southern states,(Graham);slavery remained untouched in the statesRead MoreAbraham Lincoln : The Great Emancipator1590 Words  | 7 PagesSarmiento 6 Abraham Lincoln: The Great Emancipator During Abraham Lincoln’s presidency, the United States was divided into North and South, who were at war with one another. Recognizing the nation needed a determined leader to guide them into prosperity, Lincoln devised his plan for success. Lincoln’s attempts to preserve the North, while uniting them with the South seemed to be failing as the war continued throughout his first term. Once Lincoln got reelected in 1864, he set out to succeed inRead MoreThe Great Emancipator By President Abraham Lincoln947 Words  | 4 PagesThe Great Emancipator While in office, President Abraham Lincoln led the country through the Civil War, he is most known as being responsible for the abolishing of slavery through the Emancipation Proclamation, thus giving him the nickname of â€Å"The Great Emancipator.†Technically speaking, the Emancipation Declaration did not actually abolish slavery in itself, rather it led to the 13th Amendment, which did end slavery in January of 1865. At brief glance, the Emancipation Proclamation’s sole purposeRead MoreAbraham Lincoln: Great Emancipator or Common Politician?1487 Words  | 6 PagesPresident Abraham Lincoln has been revered as one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States. He is known for his great effect on slavery and served his terms during the civil war in a time of great controversy. The American Civil War (1860-1865) occurred at the exact time of Lincolns presidency (1861-1865). The North and the South were divided and a big issue was slavery, on which Lincoln took an anti-slavery stance. Lincoln has been called many things because of his views fromRead MoreO Lincoln s Reputation As The Great Emancipator1900 Words  | 8 Pageso Lincoln s reputation as the great emancipator rests largely on his emancipation proclamation, an executive order which went into effect on January 1st, 1863. This order ostensibly freed all the slaves in territory currently rebelling against the United States, i.e. in areas where the US government had no authority to free slaves. This is rather like the United States announcing that, from here on out, North Korea would be ruled by Lady Gaga. Sure, it s a great idea, but it s not really yourRead More Abraham Lincoln and Slavery Essay1617 Words  | 7 PagesAbraham Lincoln and Slavery Many Americans believe that Abraham Lincoln was the â€Å"Great Emancipator,†the sole individual who ended slavery, and the man who epitomizes freedom. In his brief presidential term, Lincoln dealt with an unstable nation, with the South seceding from the country and in brink of leaving permanently. The differing ideologies between the North and South about the economy and slavery quickly lead to civil war. It was now the duty of Lincoln to maintain the unityRead MoreThe Myth Of Abraham Lincoln1291 Words  | 6 PagesLincoln was a man of many talents that helped form the myths we know today and that most of those myths are well justified. With Lincoln being a man solidified into history and mythology, have the myths overshadowed the facts that truly made his life historically worthy or is it that within every myth lies an element of fact? The myths about Abraham Lincoln are ones of much debate leaving some to say that they accurately depict what Lincoln was and some see them as an embellishment of the truthRead MoreThe Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln1456 Words  | 6 Pagesthe same today if Abraham Lincoln was never assassinated on the unfortunate night of April 14, 1865. His killer, John Wilkes Booth, had a strong resent for the Union that subsequently caused a dramatic shift in history. This hatred was caused by many factors, such as his background and where he grew up, his lust for power and fame, and his mental illn ess. John Wilkes Booth, a master assassinator and conspirator, hoped to strengthen the confederacy by killing Abraham Lincoln. However, this murder createdRead MoreAbraham Lincoln : Vampire Hunter971 Words  | 4 PagesAbraham Lincoln is an American President who hasn’t been overlooked in the decades following his death. His character still lives on today as he resonates through popular American culture. Many books and movies have been produced about his life to show the role he played in our history and the impact he had on our country. The most recent film, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, captivated audience’s attention with a riveting tale about our sixteenth president hunting vampires. The film contains some
Hypetension Free Essays
Hypertension is the term used to describe high blood pressure. Blood pressure is a measurement of the force against the walls of your arteries as the heart pumps blood through the body. Blood pressure readings are measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) and usually given as two numbers  for example, 120 over 80 (written as 120/80 mmHg). We will write a custom essay sample on Hypetension or any similar topic only for you Order Now One or both of these numbers can be too high. The top number is your systolic pressure. †¢It is considered high if it is over 140 most of the time. †¢It is considered normal if it is below 120 most of the time. The bottom number is your diastolic pressure. †¢It is considered high if it is over 90 most of the time. †¢It is considered normal if it is below 80 most of the time. nlm. nih. gov Nursing Diagnosis for Hypertension Decreased Cardiac Output related to increased afterload, vasoconstriction, myocardial ischemia, ventricular hypertrophy Nursing Intervention for Hypertension †¢Monitor blood pressure †¢Note the central and peripheral pulse quality †¢Auscultation of heart and breath sounds †¢Observe skin color, moisture, temperature and capillary filling time †¢Observe the general edema Provide quiet environment, comfortable †¢Suggest to reduce activity. †¢Maintain restrictions on activities such as recess ditemapt bed / chair †¢Help perform self-care activities as needed †¢Perform actions such as a comfortable back and neck massage †¢Encourage relaxation techniques †¢Give fluid restriction and sodium diet as indicated. Nursi ng Diagnosis for Hypertension Risk for Ineffective Tissue perfusion: Peripheral, Renal, Gastrointestinal, Cardiopulmonary related to impaired circulation Nursing Intervention for Hypertension †¢Maintain bed rest, elevate head of bed †¢Assess blood pressure at admission in both arms, sleeping, sitting with arterial pressure monitoring if available †¢Maintain fluid and drugs. †¢Observe the sudden hypotension. †¢Measure inputs and expenditures †¢Monitor electrolytes, BUN, creatinine. †¢Ambulation according to ability; avoid fatigue A community nursing diagnosis is a clinical statement of an actual or potential health problem in a community. A nurse bases identification on her professional judgment, in order to create a plan for improvement. 1. Basis oWhile medical doctors treat diseases and conditions, nurses treat the physical, psychological, social or cultural problems that arise from a disease or condition. A community nursing diagnosis promotes wellness. Scope oA community nursing diagnosis focuses on health promotion among a specific group of people in one place over a period of time. Therefore, a community can describe a city, a school or a given population, such as the homeless. Purpose The community nursing diagnosis is used to identify available resources, develop educational materials and plan interventions to address illness or improve health within the population. Components oA community nursing diagnosis includes three parts: a problem or risk statement (illness or desired improvement), related factors (cause or etiology) and the signs and symptoms (based on confirmed subjective and objective assessment dat a). Classification oThe North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) is a recognized authority on nursing diagnoses and maintains a standardized database of nursing diagnostic terminology. How to cite Hypetension, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Project Management, Leadership and Skills Planning and Control
The leadership can be considered as an art to direct the intentions, attention, and efforts of the employees into a needed direction for the project to succeed. It should be stated that the question concerning the leadership and how it affects the working process remains one of the most discussed and argued. The differences in approaches and methods of implementation theory on practice provide the project managers with the variety of techniques and strategies that can be chosen for the suitable reasons.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Project Management, Leadership and Skills: Planning and Control specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Although it is significantly important for the leader to develop the strategy that will lead the project and company for the successful outcome, it should be stressed that the role of the team should not be undervalued as the motivation and confidence in the accomplishment of the goals influences the working process greatly (Schunk 2012, p. 77). The main objective of the paper is to discuss the role of the leadership and the teambuilding in the project management, to center attention on the theoretical models and identify the ways for the inspiration and staff motivation. The motivational factors influence the efficiency of the employees and play an important role while project management. It should be highlighted that every individual in the group is different and unique, that is, their motivation is rooted in different things (Dwivedula Bredillet 2010, p. 160). The major task of the leader is to find the key to every person and to use appropriate methods and techniques of motivation to increase the level of interest to the performing tasks. Despite the fact that everyone is unique, some elements can motivate the whole group. The most difficult part is to understand what is needed to make people motivated; however, the deep listening technique, observation, and communication may be a helpful tool while identifying the motivational factors (Ervin 2012, p. 391). To get the better understanding of the issue, one should pay close attention to certain motivational exercise. According to the recent researcher in the field of motivation on the workplace, there different approaches that can be implemented into the working process (Rose 2014, p. 30). First and foremost, one of the fundamental tasks of the leader is to bring the team closer. It should be pointed out that it may be beneficial to use the flipchart to save all the discussed ideas. The purpose of every meeting should be clear to the team members; moreover, the workers should feel comfortable, respected, and be heard. Such attitude will encourage the employees and will satisfy them. During the meeting, the leader can ask everyone what the motivation is and what factors can motivate best. Usually, there are certain types of the motivation that can be considered as obvious one, for example , money, recognition, self-development, accomplishments, and promotion.Advertising Looking for report on project management? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, there is a hidden side of motivation like the flexible working schedule and the possibility to bring pets to the workplace. The leader should notice similarities and differences in motivation within the team. To avoid the misunderstanding, all the questions should be clarified as the flexibility of the working process may mean the ability to solve some issues over the phone, whereas some team members are sure that this is about coming to work earlier or later. The next step is to prioritize every motivator. The team members should score their motivator elements from the most important to the less, and then put the results into the flipchart. This way, the leader gets the opportunity to identify the most significant motivators that should be used while the working process for the project to succeed. After identifying the significant tools that can motivate people, the leader should try to find the possible ways to apply the gained knowledge. The most widespread motivational factors are the following, namely, responsibility, support, promotion, achievement, the feeling of progress, interest to work, flexible work arrangements, good relationship, and purpose (Shearer 2012, p. 50). Taking into consideration stated above motivators, it is significant to point out that responsibility can be used as a tool to increase the confidence and feeling of the personal power of the employee. Support can be important for some team members, in this case, the leader should understand what can be frustrating and what should be done to improve the working conditions or eliminate the obstacles. People commonly lose motivation when they do not see results, progress, or the purpose of the work. That is, it is significantly important to set realistic and short-term goals. However, it is not enough, as the team members should also understand that they are valued, so the thankful words for the hard work can contribute to the increasing level of the motivation. When people feel that they are involved in an interesting and unique project, it can be beneficial for the future outcome. By eliminating the stressful situations at the workplace, the leader gets a chance to improve the working conditions of the employees. The distracting and tense atmosphere influences not only the mood of people but also the way they perform tasks. The flexibility of the working process may also contribute to the motivational level; however, in this case, everyone should understand what it means and what consequences it may have. One of the opportunities is to make the starting and finishing hours flexible. Another approach is to change the working process and let some team members work freelance, although, sometimes it may influence the successful outcome of the projec t. The leader should pay a lot of attention towards this issue. The positive atmosphere within the team is one of the most significant factors for the team members to feel comfortable.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Project Management, Leadership and Skills: Planning and Control specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Team activities are the best tool that can be used to unite people. The employees should have a time before the meeting to exchange thoughts and ideas, or simply communicate. The involvement of the leader in such discussions is significant as the communication about personal information contributes to the trust development. According to the recent studies, there are different types of the leaders and the techniques that can be implemented into the working process (Sethuraman Suresh 2014, p. 168). First of all, it should be stated that the authoritative type describes the person who guides the members o f the team using certain knowledge and shares his point of view and vision with other people (Saeed et al. 2014, p. 216). Such leaders understand the significance of collaboration. The next type of the leadership is coercive. It should be stated that the project managers who work with a very young people usually address to this approach, although, some of the teammates can describe this style as a dictator one. However, one should pay close attention towards the implementation of the coercive technique as it is appropriate only while working with people who lack needed skills and knowledge. In contrast to the coercive is the democratic approach, which is considered to be the one that lacks the guidance, it can be compared to the football game without the coach. One of the most popular styles of the leadership is all for one and one for all, that allows every team member to use personal creativity and to get involved in all the levels of the project organization. The team leader is t he person who draws conclusions from the challenges and mistakes and implements the appropriate techniques of the leadership to improve the work of the team for the project to succeed. The question concerning the best type of the management and leadership style seems to be unanswered as there is no approach that could satisfy the needs of every project. As the matter of fact, the prolific work of the team depends on the leader, that is, the pacesetter should be inspiring, flexible, set realistic goals, and be open to the new ideas. It should be pointed out that the successful leader understands the importance of changing the approaches with the development of the project as it is significant to correct or modify the style to achieve greater results. Leadership is believed to be the essential part of every successful project as the pacesetter can be seen as a guiding element towards the prosperous realization of the task. It is significantly important to be able to influence workers and the way they see their work for the accomplishment of the goals that were set in the beginning. The primary role of the leader is to set the direction and to evaluate the efforts that need to be done for the achievement of the objectives (Maley 2012, p. 99).Advertising Looking for report on project management? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are certain characteristics that can be considered as the typical ones for the leader, among them are the following: the leader sees and uses every possibility, he is communicator, coach, learner, listener, coordinator, inspirator, the one who makes the difference not only in the working process but also in the life of the employees. However, it should be highlighted that the stated above description of the leader is not full as the guiding person is much more. The manager should combine every needed trait of character for the success of the project. The leader is not someone who is born with the all needed characteristics; moreover, one should understand that the leader skills should be developed. The background and the experience can help to gain appropriate knowledge; however, it is not enough for the true leader to arise. It should be pointed out that the learning process should be implemented for the leader skills to improve. The leadership theory deals with three aspects , namely situation, behavior, and traits (Northouse 2013, p. 19). The deeper involvement into the stated above approaches will provide the deeper understanding of the question. The theory, dealing with the trait description, is focused on an individual and the characteristics that are essential for the leader (Northouse 2013, p. 19). The traits usually involve the ones that can be learned, improved, and implemented from theory to practice. It should be pointed out that the leaders usually share the following traits, such as loyalty, motivation, integrity, enterprising spirit, confidence, and desire for learning and gaining knowledge (Bull 2010, p. 54). The enterprising spirit is about the understanding that one should be ambitious for the accomplishment of the goals, seek for development and improvement, and be demanding for the future results. One of the most significant leader traits is loyalty and the ability to admit that some mistakes were made to eliminate them while working f or the project’s improvement. The employees usually reflect the traits of the leader, that is, it is important for the manager to obtain as much leader skills and knowledge as possible. Taking into account the behavioral approach, it should be highlighted that the modern researchers usually determine three categories of the behavioral theory, namely the task performance, group maintenance, and the behavior while the decision-making process (Kerzner 2013, p. 34). The pivotal objective of the task performance is to communicate with the team, to stress the significance of the positive outcome, and focus on the results, quality, and efforts needed for the accomplishment of the discussed aims. The group maintenance behavior is centered on the importance of the working atmosphere, respectful and trustful relationship with every member of the group. As the matter of fact, the condition of the workplace and the overall mood in the organization influences not only the working process but also the outcome of every project. The fact that the employees can participate in the decision-making process can contribute to the feelings of the subordinates that they are valued, respected, and their opinion matters. Such type of the interaction between the leader and the employees is called democratic; whereas when the leader takes the decision on his own and does not consult the workers is believed to be autocratic. It should be pointed out that the ongoing debates concerning the question what style of the leadership is beneficial are still not solved as every approach has drawbacks and strength sides. The essential characteristic of the leader is the ability to adjust skills and knowledge to the different situation. The leader is essential to the success of the project; however, one of the most significant aspects is a team, and that is, teambuilding approach should be not undervalued. The different types of the team aimed to satisfy various needs of the company. It shoul d be stated that the functional team consists of people who perform their tasks on the permanent basis and make the company work stable, whereas the project team functions for the certain time that is needed for the goals accomplishment. People from various functional teams are grouped together for the achievement of the specific aims and will be disbanded when the task is performed. According to Bruce Tuckman, the specialist in the field of the dynamic of the group, every team should go through certain stages of development to be characterized as successful, namely forming, storming, norming, and performing (Johnson 2009, p. 368). While the phase of the forming the group is on the way towards the understanding the goals and objectives of the project, every member of the team works as an independent element. The primary task of the project manager is to direct the team towards the goal accomplishment. The next stage occurs when the team members exchange their ideas of how the workin g process should be improved for the goal accomplishment (Tuckman 2010, p. 342). It should be stressed that during this period the team usually faces some kinds of conflicts and misunderstandings (Schulze, Stade, Netzel 2014, p. 71). The pivotal objective of the project manager is to unite people and get closer to the achievement of the task. The stage of the norming is featured with the understanding of how to achieve the desired outcome, what approaches should be changed and implemented into the working process (Bonebright 2010, p. 115). The work of the team is centered on trustful relationships. Managers should provide the workers with the appropriate guidance and contribute to the success of the teamwork. The performing stage occurs when the team is operating as the united organism and shows high results without the supervision. Every member of the team applies the skills and knowledge to the successful outcome. It is important to understand that the role of the leader during a ll the stages is significant while the whole group and effectiveness of the work depend on the leader and the traits that he obtains. Being a good problem solver and decision maker one can succeed in the teambuilding process as it requires abilities, skills, and knowledge to be able to negotiate stressful situations and eliminate conflicts (Ding Zho 2015, p. 241). Moreover, the positive attitude of the leader towards the working process and every team member will be beneficial not only for the motivational level of the employees but also for the successful performing of the long and short-term goals (Burke Barron 2014, p. 37). The teambuilding techniques and approaches are essential for the project manager to implement into the working process as it will be beneficial for the development of the team and will contribute to the trustful, honest, and loyal relationship whiting the group (Coles 2015, p. 76). Teambuilding is not only about the activities that unite people or evaluation of every participant of the working process; usually, it is about the combination of various techniques, approaches, and tools for the positive outcome. The relationship within the team affects the working process; the team will function best if every member feels comfortable and knows how to operate in the group. Certain agreements and clarifications should take place to ease communication and contribute to the better involvement into the process. Functional teams have already faced challenges and went through all the stages of the team development process (Daspit et al. 2013, p. 53). The newly formed group is changeable, and the project manager should create the rules and objective that everyone should respect and follow. The deeper understanding of how the task should be performed is beneficial for the team. Although, the project manager should direct the effort to unite the individuals, one should pay close attention to the conflict solving process. When everyone works independ ently, there is a possibility that the way the other person views the problem will be contrasting to the other workers, that is, the leader should undertake the needed actions to prevent conflicts and misunderstandings as it affects the working atmosphere. The ability of the leader to solve the conflict during the early stage will be beneficial for the storming stage of the team development process (Williams 2013, p. 306). It should be pointed out that the personality assessments play an important role while forming a team. The maturing and the development of the team is impossible without the events that involve every member. The improvement of trust relationship within the group seems to be crucial for the team effectiveness. When people are engaged with each other outside of the working process, it provides a chance to get to know each other from the unknown side that does not deal with the project (Binder 2012, p. 56). Social events can become a turning point on the way for the team maturing and development. It should be pointed out that the individual or team coaching is an essential element in the project management that deals with the improvement of the communication, collaboration, and negotiation skills (Cobb 2012, p. 175). The successful leader understands the significance of the role of the recognition and rewards in the working process. People will work beyond the limits if they feel respected and see that their work is appreciated and valued. The motivational level of the employees affects the result of the project in a great way. According to the recent researches, the motivated team is more likely to achieve the goals and struggle less on the way towards the accomplishment (Beersma 2010, p. 1115). The project manager should be aware that there are certain differences in the motivation of the individual employee and the project team. The deeper involvement into the issue will allow the leader to choose appropriate theories, methods, and technique s to reach every team member (Arroyo 2010, p. 705). With the beginning of the project, most of the workers are motivated to perform the task successfully. The reason for such strong motivation is that people usually view the new project or job in a very optimistic perspective, and that is, eager to work hard and contribute to the overall good of the company (DeShon 2009, p. 47). The pivotal objective of the leader during this phase is to maintain the motivational level of every team member. One of the best approaches to do that is to keep to the participative leadership style that involves planning and decision making with the team members and celebrating accomplishments. It should be also highlighted that the positive atmosphere is fundamental for the creating of the prolific environment. In conclusion, it should be stressed that the role of the leader seems to be essential and significant for every team, and should not be undervalued, especially when the projects become more globa lized and should be taken under control. It is important to understand that the leadership does not depend on the position, rank, or age, as these factors are not enough for becoming a leader. The leader should obtain the needed skills, knowledge, and characteristics and be able to adjust the gained experience to the practice. The teamwork and the overall success of the project are highly connected to the professionalism of the leader and the way he uses appropriate knowledge and implements techniques and strategies. The motivational factors and the understanding of the team members the purpose of the work, feelings of accomplishment and progress contribute to the successful relationship within the team and influence the positive performing of the tasks. That is, the leader should pay close attention to the methods of the skills and work improvement as they influence not only the working process but also lives of the employees. Reference List Arroyo, A 2010, â€Å"International pro ject management – leadership in complex environments,†International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 705–716. Beersma, B 2010, â€Å"Team confidence, motivated information processing, and dynamic group decision making,†European journal of social psychology, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 1110–1119. Binder, J 2012, Global project management communication, collaboration and management across borders, Gower Publishing, Aldershot, U. K. Bonebright, D 2010, â€Å" 40 years of storming: a historical review of Tuckman’s model of small group development,†Human Resource Development International, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 111–120. Bull, C 2010, Moving from project management to project leadership a practical guide to leading groups, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Burke, R Barron, S 2014, Project management leadership: building creative teams, 2nd ed, John Wiley Sons, New York, NY. Cobb, A 2012, Leading project teams: the basi cs of project management and team leadership, 2nd ed, SAGE, Thousand Oaks, CA. Coles, H 2015, Team Building: Simple Team Building Techniques for Your Business, Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, North Charleston, CA. Daspit, J, Tillman, J, Boyd, G Mckee, V 2013, â€Å"Cross†functional team effectiveness,†Team Performance Management Team Performance Management: An International Journal, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 34–56. DeShon, R 2009, â€Å"The motivating potential of teams: Test and extension of cross-level model of motivation in teams,†Organizational behavior and human decision processes, vol. 110, no. 1, pp. 45–55. Ding, R Zho, J 2015, Key project management based on effective project thinking, Springer, New York, NY. Dwivedula, R Bredillet, N 2010, â€Å"Profiling work motivation of project workers,†International Journal of Project Management, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 158–165. Ervin, D 2012, â€Å"Motivations and Barriers to Corporate Environmental Management,†Business Strategy and the Environment, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 390–409. Johnson, A 2009, Health organizations: theory, behavior, and development, Jones Bartlett Learning, Sudbury, MA. Kerzner, H 2013, Project management a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling, 11th ed, John Wiley Sons, New York, NY. Maley, H 2012, Project management concepts, methods, and techniques, CRC Press, Arlington, VA. Northouse, G 2013, Leadership: theory and practice, 6th ed, SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. Rose, H 2014, â€Å"Personal Effectiveness in Project Management: Tools, Tips Strategies to Improve your Decision-making, Motivation, Confidence, Risk-taking, Achievement and Sustainability,†Project Management Journal, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 28–46. Saeed, T, Almas, S, Anis-Ul-Haq, M Niazi, G 2014, â€Å"Leadership styles: relationship with conflict management styles,†International Journal of Conflict Managemen t, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 214–225. Schulze, D, Stade, C Netzel, J 2014, â€Å"Conflict and Conflict Management in Innovation Processes in the Life Sciences,†Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 57–75. Schunk, D 2012, Motivation and self-regulated learning: theory, research, and applications, Routledge, New York, NY. Sethuraman, K Suresh, J 2014, â€Å"Effective Leadership Styles,†IBR International Business Research, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 165–172. Shearer, A 2012, â€Å"Management styles and motivation,†Radiology management, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 47–89. Tuckman, B 2010, â€Å"Leadership Teams: Developing and Sustaining High Performance,†Management Decision, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 340–344. Williams, C 2013, Effective management, 6th ed, Cengage Learning, Mason, OH. This report on Project Management, Leadership and Skills: Planning and Control was written and submitted by user Delaney U. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Andrew Beard Invents the Jenny Coupler
Andrew Beard Invents the Jenny Coupler Andrew Jackson Beard lived an extraordinary life for a black American inventor. His invention of the Jenny automatic car coupler revolutionized railroad safety. Unlike the vast majority of inventors who never profit from their patents, he profited from his inventions. Life of Andrew Beard - From Slave to Inventor Andrew Beard was born a slave on a plantation in Woodland, Alabama, in 1849, shortly before slavery ended. He received emancipation at age 15 and he married at age 16. Andrew Beard was a farmer, carpenter, blacksmith, a railroad worker, a businessman and finally an inventor. Plow Patents Bring Success He grew apples as a farmer near Birmingham, Alabama for five years before he built and operated a flour mill in Hardwick, Alabama. His work in agriculture led to tinkering with improvement for plows. In 1881, he patented his first invention, an improvement to the double plow, and sold the patent rights for $4,000 in 1884. His design allowed for the distance between the plow plates to be adjusted. That amount of money would be the equivalent of almost $100,000 today. His patent is US240642, filed on September 4, 1880, at which time he listed his residence at Easonville, Alabama, and published on April 26, 1881. In 1887, Andrew Beard patented a second plow and sold it for $5,200. This patent was for a design that allowed the pitch of the blades of plows or cultivators to be adjusted. The amount he received would be the equivalent of about $130,000 today. This patent is US347220, filed on May 17, 1886, at which time he listed his residence as Woodlawn, Alabama, and published on August 10, 1996.  Beard invested the money he made from his plow inventions into a profitable real-estate business. Rotary Engine Patents Beard received two patents for rotary steam engine designs. US433847 was filed and granted in 1890. He also received patent US478271 in 1892. There was no information found as to whether these were profitable for him. Beard Invents the Jenny Coupler for Railroad Cars In 1897, Andrew Beard patented an improvement to railroad car couplers. His improvement came to be called the Jenny Coupler. It was one of many that aimed to improve the knuckle coupler patented by Eli Janney in 1873 (patent US138405). The knuckle coupler did the dangerous job of hooking railroad cars together, which formerly was done by manually placing a pin in a link between the two cars. Beard, himself had lost a leg in a car coupling accident. As an ex-railroad worker, Andrew Beard had the right idea that probably saved countless lives and limbs. Beard received three patents for automatic car couplers. These are US594059 granted November 23, 1897, US624901 granted May 16, 1899, and US807430 granted on May 16, 1904. He lists his residence as Eastlake, Alabama for the first two and Mount Pinson, Alabama for the third. While there were thousands of patents filed at the time for car couplers, Andrew Beard received $50,000 for the patent rights to his Jenny Coupler. This would be just shy of 1.5 million dollars today. Congress enacted the Federal Safety Appliance Act at that time to enforce using automatic couplers. View the complete patent drawings for Beards inventions. Andrew Jackson Beard was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2006 in recognition of his revolutionary Jenny Coupler. He died in 1921.
Monday, March 2, 2020
The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact of 1939
The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact of 1939 On August 23, 1939, representatives from Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union met and signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact (also called the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact and the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact), a mutual promise made by the two leaders guaranteeing that neither would attack the other. With the imminence of World War II becoming ever clearer, signing the pact guaranteed Germany protection against the necessity of fighting a two-front war. The Soviet Union was awarded land in return, including parts of Poland and the Baltic States, as part of a secret addendum. The pact was broken when Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union less than two years later, on June 22, 1941. Why Did Hitler Want the Pact? Germanys role in a two-front war in World War I had split its forces, weakening and undermining their offensive strength. As he prepared for war in 1939, German dictator Adolf Hitler was determined not to repeat the same mistakes. While hed hoped to acquire Poland without force (as he had annexed Austria the year before), the necessity to diminish the possibility of a two-front war as a consequence of the invasion was clear. Thus negotiation for Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact was born. The Two Sides Meet On August 14, 1939, German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop contacted the Soviets to arrange a deal. Ribbentrop met with the Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov in Moscow, and together they arranged two pacts: the economic agreement and the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact. The Economic Agreement The first pact was an economic trade agreement, which Ribbentrop and Molotov signed on August 19, 1939. The agreement, which proved instrumental in helping Germany bypass the British blockade during the early years of World War II, committed the Soviet Union to provide food products and raw materials to Germany in exchange for products such as German machinery for the Soviet Union. The Non-Aggression Pact On August 23, 1939- four days after the economic agreement was signed and a little over a week before the beginning of World War II- Ribbentrop and Molotov signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact. Publicly, this agreement stated that Germany and the Soviet Union would not attack each other and that any problem that might arise between the two countries was to be handled amicably. The pact, which was supposed to have lasted 10 years, lasted less than two. Terms of the pact included the provision that if Germany attacked Poland, the Soviet Union would not come to its aid. Thus, if Germany went to war against the West (especially France and Great Britain) over Poland, the Soviets were guaranteeing that they would not enter the war. This would block the opening of a second front for Germany. In addition to the agreement, Ribbentrop and Molotov added a secret protocol to the pact- a secret addendum whose existence was denied by the Soviets until 1989. To the Chancellor of the German Reich, Herr A. Hitler,I thank you for your letter. I hope that the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact will mark a decisive turn for the better in the political relations between our two countries.J. Stalin* The Secret Protocol The secret protocol held an agreement between the Nazis and the Soviets that greatly affected Eastern Europe. In exchange for the Soviets pledging to decline engagement in the imminent war, Germany gave the Soviets the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania), leaving Poland to be divided between the two along the Narew, Vistula, and San rivers. The territory restructuring provided the Soviet Union a level of protection from a Western invasion via an inland buffer. It would need that buffer in 1941. Pact Unfolds, Then Unravels When Nazis attacked Poland on the morning of September 1, 1939, the Soviets stood by and watched. Two days later, World War II began with the British declaration of war on Germany. Soviets rolled into eastern Poland on September 17 to occupy their sphere of influence as designated in the secret protocol. The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact effectively barred the Soviet Union from joining the fight against Germany, thus affording Germany success in its attempt to safeguard its borders from a two-front war. The Nazis and the Soviets kept the terms of the pact and the protocol until Germanys surprise attack and invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Challenges of Information Technology Research Paper
Challenges of Information Technology - Research Paper Example Moreover, data management with enhanced high-tech security is an expensive undertaking. Network management in the organizational setting experiences both the positive and negative aspects of improved technology. Improved networks have made communication efficient and effective in and out of the organizational setting (Kuhn, 2008). Employees have been quick to exploit this realization, resulting in network management challenges. Use of smartphones and other devices on company networks have increased network usage costs, necessitated time to time maintenance, and threatened network security. To address these challenges, a company would need to have its employees subscribe to its network, or limit its network usage on personal smartphones and other devices. The company can also allow its employees to use their personal devices on its network, with a requirement to meet maintenance fees from time to time. Finally, where network security is threatened, administrative rights should be used to monitor and control company network usage by employees (Klein,
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Module 3 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Module 3 - Case Study Example To develop one’s plan of action for each child, aside from indicating their respective areas of interests, the additional information would could enhance the development and design of differentiated instructions include: preferences of using identified instructional materials (technological applications, games, or visually designed projects). Also, it would be helpful to determine from their respective parents the academic support accorded outside the classroom (use of computers, tutors, mentors, and other enriching activities). The information would help in the design of compacted and differentiated instruction; as well as in monitoring the performance of the child outside the traditional classroom setting. Actually, the strategies and recommended differentiated instructions were effective in achieving the identified goals. For Mark, it was important to gain interpersonal skills; aside from exhibiting excellence in the subjects which were noted. For Katrina, it was crucial to mitigate any potential negative impact of having to retain her to Grade 3 level. As such, it was correct to solicit the inputs of parents, as well as to refer the children for consultation and evaluation with the school psychologist, who could assess the condition of the children, their accurate competencies and skills, and the preferred intervention, as
Friday, January 24, 2020
Catapulting though Time & Physics Essay example -- Essays Papers
Catapulting though Time & Physics Hurling an object towards one’s enemy may seem as old as time itself. People have hurled fists at each other, thrown spears, and launched giant rocks into enemy territory. The use of catapults, and other objects that hurl projectiles, also seem as old as human civilization itself. The effectiveness of the catapult in flinging objects over a great distance and causing destruction is due to a few basic physics principals that govern force, energy, motion, speed and mass to name a few. The design of the catapult denotes a change in modern warfare to the engineer behind weapons being just as important as the actual soldiers and people who use them. Projectile-throwing machines are found in three main categories: the catapult, the ballista, and the trebuchet (How Stuff Works). The catapult has a lever arm attached to a â€Å"bucket†that is usually pulled back by rope and the projectile is released when the rope is cut (How Stuff Works). The ballista is basically a giant crossbow and the trebuchet is similar to the catapult but is a weighted beam with a sling carrying the projectile (How Stuff Works). In this examination, we will mainly be discussing the design of the catapult and trebuchet. Catapults have been traced back to many different civilizations throughout history, but its modern origins are usually attributed to the Greeks and the ancient scientist Archimedes who designed them (Paul 58). We know that in 339 A.D. Dionysius ordered their design in Syracus (Hansen), but their history goes back even further. The first recorded description of the catapult found in the Bible 2,800 years ago (Paul 58). One passage gives the following description of a ruler of the kingdom of Judah : And i... ...nd projectile motion among others. Even though the catapult and its physics are ancient, it has changed the way warfare is waged in the present. Works Cited Hansen, Peter V. "War Engines of the Middle Ages." The Medieval Center Seige Engines. 1998. 2 Nov. 2005 <>. Hewitt, Paul G. Conceptual Physics 10th Edition. 10th ed. San Francisco: Pearson Addison Wesley, 2006. "How Does a Catapult Work?" How Stuff Works. 2 Nov. 2005 <>. "Mechanics of a Simple Trebuchet." 2 Nov. 2005 <>. Paul, Jim. Catapult: Harry and I Build a Seige Weapon. New York: Villard Books, 1991. 54-62. Vogel, Steven. Cat's Paws and Catapults. New York, London: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1998.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Earning a College Degree Essay
Earning a college degree has always been a very important goal of mine. My children are getting older and in a few short years will start looking into college themselves. It became more important for me now than ever to make my dream, my goal, a reality. There were many factors that came into play when I decided that this was the right time in my life to return to school. Being a non-traditional student, cost, flexibility, and accreditation were among the most important factors for me when choosing an online university. As my research into finding the right university continued, I found that Western Governors University had much more to offer their students than just an education. The financial aspect of returning to school was probably my biggest concern. I wanted to earn a degree, but didn’t want to be left with a hefty student loan payment at the end. Many of the online University’s that I looked into were â€Å"for profit†schools. Being inexperienced and new to this research I didn’t realize that there was such thing as a â€Å"non for profit†online University until I stumbled upon WGU. With affordable tuition, I knew that my dream could soon become reality. My children and husband are my number one priorities. They always have been, always will be. My time spent with them is precious and something that I would not give up for anything. The flexibility in classes and coursework that WGU offers has given me the perfect balance to be both a mother and a student. Since WGU is a competency based school, this allows me to spend less time on the material that I already know and concentrate more on the subjects that I am not as familiar with. Accreditation was another important factor for me. I didn’t want to spend the next 3 to 4 years going to school, spending countless hours reading and studying, only to find out that future employers would not take my degree seriously. Finding out that WGU is highly respected among businesses made my decision that much easier. There have been a few unexpected surprises along my journey thus far, with WellConnect being one of them. I never realized how much an online university could care about the health and wellbeing of their students. WGU also has some great mentors who not only offer encouragement, but push you to do the best and be the best that you can be. From my first inquiry of Western Governors University to now, I can say that, without a doubt, I made the right decision. I have finally found an online university who is just as committed to my success as I am. I would encourage anyone thinking about returning to school as a non-traditional student to look no further than Western Governors University. With their low-cost tuition, flexibility, and accreditation to their amazing and caring mentors and their competency based program, WGU is definitely a perfect fit.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Effects Of Advertising On Our Society - 1504 Words
If your walking down the street, driving in your car, or listening to radio there is no doubt that you’ve hear or seen an ad. In todays world we live off of the things that the companies try to sell us. As it seems that we are presented with a new problem with the way ads are targeted to the consumer. Ads are much more than a product selling campaign, now it’s an unrealistic ideology of body perfection. This kind of product pushing comes with many different side effects that we as a consumer, might not realize. It is so detrimental that it becomes imbedded in your subconscious. Technology has made it to the point where it’s hard to tell what is real and fake. Advertising has created a pandemic in the way we view the body image of ourselves and the opposite sex in society. The â€Å"perfect†image is damaging to people causing an alarming growth in the form of psychological and health issues in the consumer. In today’s modern time, we are evolving i n the digital world at a rapid rate. We can no longer live without an ad popping up with every turn we make. Usually these ads come across as playful or appealing depending on the demographic. As time progresses from early forms of advertisement, we are seeing an alarming trending in the way ads have portrayed men and women as unrealistic body figures. Ads tend to sell a type of perfection to the consumer, say that we must have a perfect body, look, or style. In a recent article posted to they defined the current state ofShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Advertising On Our Society947 Words  | 4 Pagesto an audience is advertisement. Advertising is a form of art that advertisers used to persuade a common mind and change the opinion of that person about particular product or to introduce him with a new product. As living this fast pace life when nobody can afford to spend their precious time to look for new trends and impressive innovation, but at the same time want to meet the standards of society by owning and acknowledging about these trends, then advertising is the most convenient way to seekRead MoreEffects Of Advertising On Children And The Overall Effects It Has On Our Society1404 Words  | 6 Pageshave been many ethical debates on its rightness; is advertising to children a gentle persuasion of the innocent or a sinister threat to our society? There’s too much as stake if we remain silent and simply assume that marketing companies have our children’s best interests at heart; the truth is they don’t. This paper will explore to implications of marketing to children and the overall effects it has on our society. I will argue that advertising to children is a social problem. In the first partRead MoreEssay on The Effects of Advertising on Society 1585 Words  | 7 PagesIn a society where malls have replaced parks, churches and community gatherings, many people no longer take time to meet their neighbors; peop le move frequently as though cities are products to be tried, like differing brands of shampoo. These unfortunate occurrences can be the result of many causes, one of them being advertising. Advertising is designed to foster a desire to purchase goods and services, yet it is much deeper than thatâ€â€advertising is a system of effective manipulation that twistsRead MoreCritique on Advertising in Our Society1034 Words  | 5 PagesCritique On Advertising In Our Society A critique on the impact of advertising in our society. Consider visuals and verbal or written language. (1000 words) The impact of advertising on our society is a fiercely debated topic, and has been ever since the conception of advertising in its most basic form. There are negative and positive social and economic impacts upon society from advertising in its various forms. For instance, advertising promoting public welfare has a positive social impactRead More Advertising: the good and bad Essay1193 Words  | 5 Pages Advertising is a persuasive communication attempt to change or reinforce one’s prior attitude that is predictable of future behavior. We are not born with the attitudes for which we hold toward various things in our environment. Instead, we learn our feelings of favorability or unfavorability through information about the object through advertising or direct experience with the object, or some combination of the two. Furthermore, the main aim of advertising is to ‘persuade’ to consumer in orderRead MoreEssay about The Power of Advertising 1374 Words  | 6 PagesAdvertising has been defined as the most powerful, persuasive, and manipulative tool that firms have to control consumers all over the world. It is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. Its imp acts created on the society throughout the years has been amazing, especially in this technology age. Influencing people’s habits, creating false needs, distorting the values and prioritiesRead MoreAdvertising: the Good and Bad Essay1187 Words  | 5 PagesAdvertising is a persuasive communication attempt to change or reinforce ones prior attitude that is predictable of future behavior. We are not born with the attitudes for which we hold toward various things in our environment. Instead, we learn our feelings of favorability or unfavorability through information about the object through advertising or direct experience with the object, or some combination of the two. Furthermore, the main aim of advertising is to ‘persuade to consumer in order toRead MoreThe Degenerative Influence of Advertising on Society Essay1563 Words  | 7 PagesAdvertising is designed to foster a desire to purchase goods and services, yet it is much deeper than thatâ€â€advertising is a s ystem of effective manipulation that twists the mentalities of those subjected to it. It shapes people’s views of the world and warps their connections to each other. Therefore, advertising not only shapes their personal values but also distorts them until their principles no longer come from within them. Thus, in my opinion, advertising, unless deeply rooted in high ethicalRead MoreNegative Effects Of Advertising On Society713 Words  | 3 PagesSociety is constantly being exposed to loads of information through advertisements, but not many people stop to think of the effects of such exposure. Consumer’s lack of regard for the information thrown at them is a gateway for shady corporations to poison innocent minds. Society has an unknown poison- advertisement. Massive corporations get away with influencing the minds of unsuspecting masses by merely stating that advertisements from their company simply inform the public. Advertising can haveRead MoreEffect Of Advert ising On Society Essay1728 Words  | 7 PagesTalking about advertising, on the one hand, it is good for its functions, displays, etc.; on the other hand, sometimes it is too good to be true, the way they bring the messages to the consumers which state â€Å"the number one †¦Ã¢â‚¬ . What truly are the miscommunications and how do the viewers react to different types of stimulation among those, are there negative or positive results? This review of literature scope was led by the following question: When it comes to communication and advertising are there positive
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